Initiatives I am currently involved in are:
- Improving Pathways into the Geospatial and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technician Workforce (GeoTed-UAS Drone Project) – Faculty Institute to be better qualified to provide geospatial analysis and sUAS instruction within the CS discipline.
- Program Evaluator for ABET’s Computing Accreditation Commission (Cybersecurity & IT)
- Virginia Moose Association, Youth Awareness Coordinator – Youth Awareness Program provides scholarships to Virginia’s high school students to attend college or trade schools
- Inspire CS-AI Fellowship, alongside staff from MIT TSL and CMU – will work together to creatively and playfully co-design equity-focused practice spaces using Teacher Moments and ELK.
- Delta Phi Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau – Trustee at Laurel Ridge Community College. Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) is an international technology honor society that provides students and practitioners to network and scholarship together.
Former or completed initiatives I worked on are:
- Lord Fairfax Community College Interim Point of Contact for Cybersecurity program and Cybersecurity CTF Competition Team Coach 2021-2022
- Virginia Cyber Range, Executive Board Member, Guide the states cyber range education initiative as a representative of a Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) institution.
- Virginia Community College System’s Technology Peer Group Lead for the states 700+ technology faculty and coordinating the technology meetings and track at the bi-annual STEM conference.
- National Center For Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Learning Circles
- The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering published by ATMAE – Reviewer.
- Cybersecurity Skills Journal: Practice and Research – Reviewer, The the nation’s first hybrid-access scholarly publication focused exclusively on cybersecurity skills published by the National CyberWatch Center.
- ACM Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges (CCECC) Work to advance computing education at associate-degree granting colleges and similar post-secondary institutions throughout the world.
- Frederick County Public Schools CTE Advisory Committee appointment for three years.
- Core Team Member, ABET 2YCy Project Establish ABET accreditation for two-year degrees in cybersecurity.
- Tech Talent/Cyber Faculty Fellow with Old Dominion University
- The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL), Serve on the Technical Committee and chair of a special track for student research.
- American Journal of Computer Science and Technology Editorial Board, Review manuscripts carefully and give suggestions without any bias and promote scholarly work in the CS & Technology fields.